Computer (AMC) Services

With strong years of professional experience, today we are one of the leading Computer AMC service providers in all India. Apart from this, it is also considered for other IT infrastructure servicing. Computer, Laptop, and Server AMC services provided by Innovative Edge Technologies include the following services.

Criteria To Manage Your Computer AMC Services

Our professionals prioritize three criteria to accomplish your computer AMC services efficiently. These three criteria are as follows:

Regular Maintenance

Enjoy scheduled maintenance services from a team of experienced IT professionals, who will ensure that your workstations are kept up-to-date and properly maintained.


KD COMPUTRONICS team is a bunch of expert technicians. The networking expertise technicians of KD COMPUTRONICS Computer are ever-ready to configure all types of servers and routers as well as firewalls.

Facility Management

Our team understands customer requirement while communicating with them and later we procure the hardware as per their request. In case it is required our technicians help in changing the faulty computer parts which are under the warranty period.

What Are The Different Types Of Computer Maintenance Services We Provide?

The benefits of using Innovative Technologies annual maintenance contract of computers are as noted below:

Why Should You Choose Our Computer AMC Services For Better And Quality Assured Services?

The benefits of using Our company’s computer and laptop AMC services are as noted below:
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